胸部大真的很難穿衣服 Big Breast- a blessing or a trouble?

今天會寫這個標題是因為個人的深切體悟呀~ 期盼了兩個多月終於搶到的AT 蕾絲洋裝,穿在我身上就是不適合... 真的得退貨了... 唉~有點難過.. 給大家看一下試穿照..
The Ann Taylor dress that I've been waiting for 2 months didn't turn out as beautiful as I wished when I put it on.. sigh~ Here is the photo.... it's probably going back..

這件洋裝本身真的很漂亮,不過我穿起來就是哪裡怪怪的.. 腰部以下真的很美,蕾絲也是超美,就是胸部那個地方因為是全身蕾絲,所以看起來胸部那裡很突兀,而且全身整個好像大了一整號。The dress is very beautiful itself, but it just doesn't look right on me. It is OK from the waist down, and the lace is so gorgeous. However, it invited too much attention to the breast area, so I totally looked one size bigger in it. :(

Thanks to my parents for giving me a good body. My "girls" are actually not consider "big" compared to most American girls, but compared to most of Asian girls- it's another story. Big breasts are a dream for a lot of girls (that's why a lot of women went for breast implantation surgery). However, it is not imaginable that not all clothes are flattering on big breasted women, and it is quite easy to show too much skin and being inappropriate for a lot of occasions. Not to mention about back pain and neck pain associated with it.

How to dress if you have large breasts? I would like to share my personal experiences .

1. 穿適合的內衣:工欲善其事必先利其器,合適的內衣真是大胸部女生的好朋友呀!合適的內衣可以預防下垂, 以及美化胸線,讓胸部看起來更美呦!下面這個影片幫助我們尋找正確的內衣!
 Appropriate underwear:
2. 衣服領口的選擇:以小娜的經驗,V 領,大U領看起來可以拉長臉部線條,注意力就不會集中在胸部,而套頭,襯衫領都比較容易看起來胸部更大
Neck line:avoid turtle neck, or high neck tops because they create a lot of focus to the breast area. V neck and scoop neck would work better to create a balanced neck line and breast.

3. 避免胸前過多裝飾的上衣或洋裝:例如印花,橫條紋,胸前皺摺或裝飾品,如果造成焦點在胸前,就會忽略了其他地方的平衡。大部份小娜還是推上半身素色的衣服比較佳!
Avoid print (especially horizontal print), design materials around the breast area. I would prefer tops that's single color than print.

4. 沒袖子的衣服看起來注意力在胸部, 所以有袖子的衣服其實比較平衡整個上半身,但是很奇怪的,削肩的衣服我們穿起來就很好看。
Dress with sleeve is better than sleeveless dress, but somehow halter top looks pretty good on me.

5. 還有一些網站 還建議試試,上半身深顏色,下半身淡顏色的打扮, 利用顏色來平衡視覺。我自己沒有試過這個,但是可以試試看。
Some websites suggest trying darker color for the upper body and lighter color the lower body。Color will create the balanced look.



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